Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Design Contender for Our New Logo

We're working with some talented designers to come up with a new logo for Here's what the talented crew a came up with.

Here's the story they crafted around our project to communicate it on their blog:

Do you know what the only difference is between Evan Williams (co-founder of Twitter) and you? Ok, that’s really not a fair question to ask. There are a ton of differences. I guess that he probably looks different than you, talks different and unless you’re his roommate, he probably lives somewhere different than you.

Alright, let’s rephrase that question.

Do you know the only reason why Evan Williams has a billion dollar company and you don’t? He didn’t let anything get in his way of starting it.

There you have it. That’s one of the keys to success, and it was absolutely free. You can pay me in hugs in kisses later, after you’re extremely successful.

If you didn’t know already, Tony and I have another business called Idea Heroes. It’s an advertising and idea generation consultancy. But really, what we do is come up with ideas for other people/companies to run with. And, that’s the key. Running with it.

There is some ridiculous percentage of people that have great ideas and never do anything with them. And sometimes, that’s all it takes. Just do something with your great idea. Don’t sit on it any longer. You’ll never know if Google was going to buy your business for $3 billion dollars if you never take the first step. Jump. Dive. Hit go. Whatever you need to do, do it.

So, why do people sit on their ideas? I’m not an expert on this subject, but my best guess is fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the unknown, etc.

So, if you’re one of those people who is just sitting on that great idea. I have a recommendation for you. Linda Lopeke and

SMARTSTART helps to show small business owners, online entrepreneurs and information marketers just like you how to take their business ideas from concept to delivery, market themselves online and create a sustainable success story.

The great part is, they’ve packaged it all up so that you don’t have to pony up $10,000 for a personal coach. Linda (the foremost expert) has put all of her knowledge into an educational package that you can tap into for a fraction of the cost.

No more fear. Just like those old “redneck” t-shirts of the 80’s used to say. “No Fear”. There are no longer going to be any excuses for why you don’t get off your butt and start that darn business. Besides, why be afraid of being successful? That’s the one thing that you should be looking forward to the most.

Obviously, it’s without saying, Tony and I are big fans of taking an idea and making it happen. Any way that I person can get from point A to point B, we endorse.

Here’s what you need to know. Linda Lopeke is your answer, her site is here. Now go.


Then they had folks vote on the design which they've been sharing on Twitter:

VN:F [1.8.5_1061]
Rating: 10.0/10 (2 votes cast) -- The first two people to see it obviously liked it. Then I accidently clicked on the stars and gave it a 3 which naturally brought the rating down. Sorry guys, that's not how I felt about your design... I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time on the darn keyboard! You can add your vote here and I'm definitely interested in knowing what you think of the design concept.

Posted via web from Linda Lopeke's posterous

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is Your Business Running Naked?

If you are operating it without some kind of business plan, or without having given any thought to building your brand, then I would say it is. Naked. Stark naked. And that’s not good for either of you.

Because a successful business runs by the numbers. The basic business numbers are your sales and expense forecasts, your startup costs, and your startup funding. You need to keep tabs on those and scale your projects and plans accordingly.

And if your dream is to build a business that lasts, you must build a brand. In fact, the smaller you are, the more important brand is to you.

We’re not saying every business has to have the full formal treatment running dozens of pages long. Just that every business has to have a plan. Even if it’s just a plan that you have worked out in your own head. You can put a comprehensive business plan together using a one-page template. We teach a 5-part course that shows you exactly how to do that. It’s not hard, but it does require critical thinking and constructive decision making.

Nor are we saying you can’t market yourself and generate revenue without a brand. People do it every day. But to compete effectively, you’ll need to distinguish yourself from the crowd.

Your brand is what you or your product stand for. Expressed in emotional shorthand. It’s the promise, the big idea, and the expectations that reside inside the head of each customer’s mind. Your brand isn’t what you say it is; it’s what they say it is.

If you don’t have something guiding your actions and investment of time and money and something that tells your prospective customers what you stand for, then make no mistake, you’re out there doing the full monty. Don’t expect too many to get excited enough to chase a long-term relationship with you.

Posted via web from Linda Lopeke's posterous

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The SMARTSTART Guide to Pricing

It’s the one thing every business owner struggles with… what to charge for your products, programs and professional services.

Well… wonder no more. Our HEALTHY BUSINESS Workbook, The SMARTSTART Guide to Pricing takes the mystery out of pricing for you. And now, when you buy our eBook, we’ll give you the audio recording of the SMARTSTART Pricing Clinic as a bonus too!

Sample it below, or head right to the web site where we show you 55 things you’ll learn about pricing from reading our guide.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Working Your Business Above The Line

There will be many times in your business life when things won’t go quite as expected. There’s a natural tendency in such a situation is to point the finger of blame anywhere but at ourselves. At others, at circumstances, at God (or a lack thereof).

You must train yourself to rigourously fight that tendency. Giving into it creates a number of problems guaranteed to hold your business back.

Quite simply, this is because:

(1) You don’t fool anybody. (And if you think you do you’ll quickly be exposed as a fool.)

(2) You miss what might just be one your greatest learning opportunities. (The fastest progress is found in making mistakes.)

(3) You transfer your power over the situation to the person (or circumstances) you blame for it. (Take back your power by assuming full responsibility.)

The optimal place to view your business experiences is always from the point of personal responsibility — from above the line. When you look at things from that perspective you are rewarded with optimal control, direction and command over your business. Let your free will guide your choices, decisions and actions. As you grow from practicing this habit so will your wisdom, and from that, your business.